hopping with joy

Yes, i am, temporarily, before my blogskin goes all cranky AGAIN.

joyous soul

I am Joy. Hobbies include serving God, playing musical instruments, being with friends, reading and singing :)

undestroyed memoirs

May 2004
June 2004
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December 2004
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the roots

Designer: .fourth!Romance
Image: PhysicalMagic
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A 5 things quiz. /// 1:53 PM

Yiqi! this is for you:

5 random facts about me:
1. i like funny people
2. i dislike chocolates (except ferrero rocher!)
3. i've gastric pain since birth
4. im gonna be an elementary school teacher when i grow up. (that is soon)
5. i can survive on an island with just novels, the Bible and food, wait and of course, someone. :)

5 things which scare me:
1. darkness
2. the unknown
3. a gigantic NO to monstrous teachers
4. death of a loved one
5. sprinting

5 songs i am listening to:
1. Start of something new
2. He's everything you want
3. More than words
4. Lost without you
5. What I've been looking for

5 things i like:
1. tulips!!!
2. singing
3. reading!
4. shopping
5. piano, guitar, (saxophone =romantic)

5 things i say the most:
1. Errr..
2. it's ok, nvm
3. fine fine :)
4. haha lame
5. not funny one

5 people who must do this:
1. aladdin
2. cinderella
3. sleeping beauty
4. donald duck!
5. ariel

ok, i'll spare everyone from this. :)

Crazy girls laughing. /// 9:18 AM

Wanting and I went absolutely crazy laughing about birds in Maths class today.

Jalan jalan in anchorage with Eve for a little while before buying two huge yummy-looking cakes for her mum. :)

Note to Self: Mum's bdae around the corner...


Monday, August 28, 2006
daniel's op and shopping rocks /// 2:02 PM

PLS. i dun wanna know i dun wanna know i dun wanna

just came back from the hospital. daniel is like going for an op in less than 12 hours and he's still betting on soccer?? i really wonder what's going on in that mind of his. prayed with him and a few classmates just now. i trust that he'll be fine.. :)

i've got something to confess: i commited one of the most deadliest sins on Friday. went shopping with mummy till 1am and spent a BOMB on bags, shoes, clothes, wallets, bracelets. and i really meant A BIG NASTY BOMB. did not even dare tell anyone how much we really spent. only someone knows. haha

really treasured the night with dearest mum! it's been a long long time since we last went out and shopped, talked, enjoyed each other's company. love her to bits and pieces. :) yeahhh! did not regret it the least bit.
and i think she's like currently in the era of the hippies? she kept saying "COOL MAN?!" can you believe it??? oh my. i got a laugh out of it.

oh no, tml's gp test, chinese compo, chem, physics tutorial and maths still left undone. better go burn post-midnight oil soon. catchya later!

-Thank You, Lord, for strength to carry on. -

*Drops of Jupiter, Train

Friday, August 25, 2006
SICk. /// 3:11 PM

im getting sick and tired of

A whole new world /// 1:39 PM

ate 4 bowls of porridge for dinner today!!

im a pig.

was listening to disney songs and singing out loud in the living room just now. i love 'a whole new world' by Aladdin the most. it brings many fond memories when im in fmss. always sang it in class during my sec 1 days. :)

OHYA, after taking the career thing, got these results of what im most suitable to be:
-elementary school teacher (my future!)
-speech pathologist
-musician(don mind)
-religious leader(hahaha-unexpected)
-child care worker(yeah! small kids!)
-occupational therapist
-technical writer
-Interior decorator(interesting)
-liberal arts professor

wow. my future=primary school teacher. or maybe an air stewardess too?

-Thank YOu, Lord, for puppies. -

*A whole new world

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Help meee!!! /// 12:50 PM

it's so ironic.

just 24 hours ago, life seemed as if it couldnt get any better. but right now, it feels like... like everything has shifted 180 degrees. oh my. didn know so many things can happen in such a short time.

im gonna start 'nerding' from now onwards till promos. ms joy tan told me today that currently, i cannot be promoted to year 2. kinda expected it, but you know, at least i still hoped for a little chance of just passing the grade. too bad, i couldnt make it.

SO, im changing my mindset to 'studying rocks' till the promos.
yeah! studying is so cool! it's like soooo interesting! im so excited man.
As If. Better stop lying to myself...

-Thank You, Lord, for magnificent rainforests. -

*Help me, Nick Carter

Sunday, August 20, 2006
/// 3:07 PM

I really really really really really really really really really really truely truely truely truely truely truely truely miss FAIRFIELD.

Pervertic monster /// 3:53 AM

and i will keep you safe and strong
and shelter from the storm

something pervertic happened yest!!!
i was sitting on the back seats of bus 172. and there's this guy around 18-25 there. both of us were sitting at both ends. then suddenly he moved to the middle seat, and after a few mins, right next to me!
at first, i did not bother about him. felt sleepy, so i closed my eyes. seconds later, my instinct told me to open my eyes. then i saw that he's strangely too close to me. too make matters worse, he put his hand right next to my thigh.
i was freaking out but i pretended not to notice. then i got a brillant idea. called my mum. intended to tell her bout my plight, even when he's right next to me. was hoping to scare him off. but later, i was afraid that he'll bash me up or sth, so i just continue talking to her about trivial matters at the same time, very conscious of the man's hands.
the ending of the story is that i was safe from him. after a while, he pressed the bell. when he was waiting for the busdoor to open, i continued talking to my mum but i could feel his stares on me. that's when i grew bold, and looked up at him, right into his eyes. he instantly turned away. felt like going up to him to kick his pervertic ass. but of course not. then he alighted.

stupid monster.

anw, i just learnt about something kinda surprising. hmm lots to think about...
cant wait for the musical later!!

-Thank You, Lord, for pepper spray. -

*No matter what

Friday, August 18, 2006
Catch some sleep now. /// 3:33 PM

it's already 12.28am and im still spending an obsene amount of time on the com. doing up some proposal for interact club now.. AHHH. each precious second spend on the com is equal to my beauty sleep drifting away from me.
I should try to get some sleep. my eyes are hurting like crazy.

sadly, my alarm is set for 5.50am, which is truly disgusting. :(

-Thank You, Lord, for my heart-shaped coaster. -


Monday, August 14, 2006
Founders day /// 1:51 PM

Random memories captured on Founders Day:

Some of
Sec 4C
...love them!

The smiles say it all... :)

olivia= friends for life
= snow white and the seven dwarfs! :D


Sunday, August 13, 2006

just came back from PLANETSHAKERS' CONCERT. :D

felt really close to God tonight, it's as if he was just here, right next to me. :) and it's a lovely feeling. i like it!!

(Note to self: No more reason to be afraid of the dark.)

-Thank You, Lord, for your presence 24/7. -

*Look what you've done, Jet

My com is back! /// 7:03 AM

Five Things I Liked About Today:

1. my com is freed from its 3-week illness!
2. my toiletbowl is cured too
3. i got a 50 for my chem exam. That means just 50 marks more to a 100!
4. for being alive
5. Planetshakers' concert!! :)

Anyway, many things have happened during the past few days.
On tuesday, some of my classmates found out about one of my greatest fears - fear of sprinting. i've never told anyone this cuz i feel embarrassed. it's really weird, like who will ever be afraid of running fast? that's why im trying to overcome my fear now. perhaps, gonna join next year's sports event. the relay maybe?
In the evening, went to visit the doctor. then met up with cheryl, zhengliang, junjie, eugene and daniel ng to watch fireworks. but i was late and could not catch the fireworks in time. played 'red little indians' till 11 and gluttoned in Lao Pa Sat till 3am the next day(National Day yeah!). it was really fun. chatting, laughing, and joking all the way through our meals. btw, the watermelon milkshake sucks!
after that, we walked to the Merlion near esplanade and sat down for a while to admire the pleasant scenery. was feeling hungry so we ended up in 7-eleven to eat nasi-lemak.
By the time i reached home, it was already 7 am. slumped onto the bed immediately and snoozed till 12pm.

Wednesday=National Day. spent the afternoon with my family, packing the house, throwing out unwanted stuff and watching tv. :)

Thursday brings a first experience to K-box. love kboxing with my mates and im soooo addicted to it now. whoohoO! photohunt rocks the house!

Friday, entire school did mass yoga rehearsal. quite liked it. friday was also the first time i gave tuition to another primary one. the girl was my godmum's daughter. she was so excited, she kept on talking nonstop. i love seeing her eyes brightening up and her smiles. had tuition later too. talked with chialing nonstop. we only did about 3 questions in 3 hours. haha

More Soon.

-Thank You, Lord, for bees and butterflies.


Monday, August 07, 2006
I miss you Com. /// 1:10 AM

Finally! a chance to touch the keyboard. yeah! internet, i miss you so much. :)

ok, that's lame.

the reason why i hadnt been online and bloggin for what seems like a century is cuz my com crashed. i've really a hard time going back home and facing a sick com everyday. felt kinda deprived. haha. oh well. i wonder when will be the next time i get to lay hands on the keyboard again.

Anw, im in Tingyou's house now, using her com. remembered the last time i came her house was to stay over due to the stupid com which crashed so i've to use her com to write the EOM. haiz. the EOM is making life 3 times tougher than it already is.

oh, today is the last day for the festival of praise. it's such a pity i could not go. but nvm, cuz i'll be going for the planetshakers concert next week. WHOOHOO!
cant wait! seeya soon, internet.

-Thank You, Lord, for the yakult and dou sao pao next to the keyboard. -

*What a girl wants